Patient Info
For Parents
Before the First Visit
Please discuss the positive aspects of dentistry with your child. You can explain that Dr. Aslani-Breit will count and take pictures of his/her teeth. Please do not tell your child that the dentist “will not hurt” as this may never have entered his/her mind. Instead, you may wish to assure your child that we will be gentle and friendly. Also, please avoid using the words needle, shot, pull, or any other words suggesting unpleasantness. Expect your child to react well and enjoy their visits to our office and chances are he/she will do exactly that.
The First Visit
The dentist will review with you the health history of your child. We invite you to accompany your child into the treatment area. Dr. Aslani-Breit will perform a head and neck examination, evaluate the health of the teeth and gums, evaluate your child’s bite, and then she will discuss the findings and treatment recommendations with you. Dental radiographs are taken only if they are necessary in order to determine your child’s present dental condition. Your child’s teeth will be cleaned and fluoride will be applied, if needed. Any additional services will be scheduled for a later visit. Required Office Forms Request for Transfer of Records Dental History Medical History Privacy Statement Privacy Notice
For Our Patients
Brushing Chart
Brushing Chart 2
Brushing Chart 3
Is your child nervous to see the dentist? Below are some fun coloring pages for your child to show off their coloring skills. Feel free to print these pages. Dr. Aslani-Breit would love to see them!
For Expectant and New Parents
Tips for Expectant Mothers
Oral care during pregnancy is very important. Untreated oral disease may compromise the health of the mother and the unborn child.
Schedule an appointment with your dentist to discuss your oral needs and develop an individualized preventive plan.
Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a fluoridated toothpaste and floss daily.
If you experience morning sickness, use a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water to rinse your mouth after vomiting. Avoid tooth brushing for an hour to minimize dental erosion caused by stomach acid.
Maintain a healthy diet. Avoid frequent sugary snacks and carbonated beverages. Choose fruit rather than fruit juice to meet the recommended daily fruit intake.
Establish a dental home for your new baby between 6-12 months of age.
Infant Oral Health Care
We follow the recommendations of The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry that a child’s first visit to the dentist should occur by 12 months of age. This visit will enable Dr. Aslani-Breit to evaluate your child and introduce you to proper oral hygiene. Diet, fluoride, finger and pacifier habits, and tooth eruption will be discussed to ensure optimal dental health. By starting early, we can enable your child to enjoy the lifelong benefits of a healthy mouth.
Tips to Reduce the Risk of Cavities
Wipe an infant’s teeth after feeding, especially along the gum line, with a soft cloth or soft bristled toothbrush.
Avoid putting an infant to bed with a bottle or sippy cup containing anything other than water.
Begin to wean children from bottle and sippy cup by nine to ten months of age.
Limit foods containing sugar to mealtimes only.
Avoid saliva-sharing behaviors, such as sharing a spoon when tasting baby food, cleaning a dropped pacifier by mouth or wiping the baby’s mouth with saliva.
Avoid saliva-sharing behaviors between children via their toys, pacifiers, etc.
Establish a dental home for your new baby between 6-12 months of age.
For Pediatricians
What is a Dental Home?
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry defines the dental home as the ongoing relationship between the dentist and the patient, inclusive of all aspects of oral health care delivered in a comprehensive, continuously accessible, coordinated, and family-centered way. Establishment of a dental home begins no later than 12 months of age.
(AAPD 2006)
This concept is derived from the American Academy of Pediatrics’ (AAP) definition of a medical home which states pediatric primary health care is best delivered where comprehensive, continuously-accessible, family-centered, coordinated, compassionate, and culturally-effective care is available and delivered or supervised by qualified child health specialists.
We look forward to providing a comprehensive dental home for your patients!